
Life at age 14: initial findings from the Growing Up in Scotland study

New report published by the Scottish Government
Scottish boy
  • Publishing date:
    17 February 2022

The report is based on 2019/2020 data collection when most of the young people in the study were in their third year of secondary school (S3). Key findings include:

  • Around six in ten young people always/often enjoyed learning (61%) while just over four in ten always/often looked forward to going to school (44%).
  • Just over half of young people felt at least a little pressured by the schoolwork they had to do (54%), while three in ten felt this a lot or quite a lot (30%).
  • 63% of young people stated at age 14 that they wanted to go to college or university after leaving school.
  • Just over half of young people indicated that they have a friend they could talk to about things that worried them (56%) and/or that they could talk to their parents (53%).

To find out more, access the report here.

Data from Sweep 10 of our study, on which this report is based, is now available from the UK Data Service. Find out more about using data from GUS.