Useful links

Sources of support

We hope you enjoyed taking part in the study. If you have any concerns after the discussion then please talk to someone or ask for help. Below are some websites and phone number of organisations that might help, too.


Samaritans provide confidential emotional support 24/7 to those experiencing despair, distress or suicidal feelings (free helpline 116 123)

Scottish Association for Mental Health (SAMH) 

SAMH provides a range of support services across Scotland, including peer support, mental health outreach, and employability support and advice. They have a helpline (0344 800 0550) and a live chat.

Young Scot

On this website you can find information about the Young Scot card and lots of information about things to do, rewards and discounts for young people.

The Mix

On this website you can find support or advice about a range of issues affecting young people, such as mental health, sex, relationships, money and jobs. The Mix also have a free and confidential helpline (0808 808 4994), a live chat and a discussion board. 

Talk to Frank 

On this website you can find free confidential advice on drugs and alcohol. They also have a helpline (0300 123 6600) and a live chat. 

Student Space 

A one-to-one support service for students, advising on mental health, studies, money, housing and relationships. Also provides additional, tailored services to support specific student groups e.g. LGBTQ+; trans; ethnic minorities; Muslim students etc.

Helpline: 0808 808 4994

Student Minds

The UK’s student mental health charity runs a peer support programme for students to talk about their mental health and provides resources around coping with stress, finances, and maintaining good mental wellbeing.

Young Minds  

On this website you can get information about mental health conditions, feelings and symptoms, and what support is available to you.

Breathing Space 

Breathing Space is a free and confidential phone line service for any individual, who is experiencing low mood or depression, or who is unusually worried and in need of someone to talk to (0800 83 85 87). 

LGBT Youth

On this website you can find information and support about your sexual orientation or gender identity, with support, guidance and information also available for trans youth in Scotland between the ages of 13 and 25. LGBT Youth have a live chat system where you can talk to a youth worker online, a number you can text (07984 356 512) and an LGBT advice centre. You can also find a map to your local LGBT youth group.

Rape Crisis Scotland

This website offers support for anyone affected by sexual violence. As well as providing information on sexual violence, they have a helpline offering confidential support to anyone affected (08088 01 03 02). They also offer support by email ( and text (07537 410 027).

Sexual Health Scotland

On this website you can find advice and support on sex, sexual health, relationships and pregnancy. They also have an information line (0800 22 44 88) and sexual health service finder. 

My World of Work 

On this website you can find advice on work, careers, training (including internships) and further learning opportunities. 

Citizens Advice Scotland

A website where you can get free, confidential advice on a limitless range of subjects including finances, housing and employment. You can also call their helpline on 0800 028 1456.