Topic overview
A wide range of information about children, young people and their families
GUS is a multidisciplinary study which collects a wide range of information about children, young people and their families. The main areas covered include:
- Cognitive, social, emotional and behavioural development
- Physical and mental health and wellbeing
- Education, training and employment
- Home, parenting, family and community networks
- Peer relationships and social networks
- Involvement in activities and leisure pursuits
- Involvement in offending, antisocial and risky behaviour
As the young people get older, the survey also now offers an opportunity to gather insight on topics such as political and civic views and behaviour, post-school plans and aspirations and experiences of their local area.
You can get a more detailed overview of the many topics areas covered at each sweep of data collection from the GUS Topic Guide (.xls)
The diagram below shows the sources of information for GUS.