Projects using GUS data
Previous projects utilising GUS data typically result in a publication. You can find details of these projects on our publications page. Titles of projects we are aware of which are ongoing and have not yet published any findings are listed below.
If you are associated with any of the projects below and are aware of published findings, please send us details at
Lone parenthood combined with low socio-economic status: a contributory factor of becoming overweight and obese amongst Scottish children: Dararat Tunprasert, University of Glasgow.
Supervisors: Professor Judith Robinson and Dr Mirjam Allik.
Poverty effects among children and families in Ireland and Scotland: Prof Morag Treanor, Herriot-Watt University; Dr Delma Byrne, Maynooth University.
Investigating the prevalence and predictors of persistent picky eating in a longitudinal birth cohort study: Laura Bourne, University College London.
Longitudinal analysis of parents’ influence on children discretionary food choice: Patrícia Norwood, Anne Ludbrook, Ourega-Zoé Ejebu, and Yu Aoki, Health Economics Research Unit, University of Aberdeen.
Improving life chances and reducing child health inequalities: harnessing the potential of existing data. Dr Anna Pearce, University of Glasgow.
Understanding the development of children’s self-control: Dr Terry Ng-Knight, University of Surrey.
Evaluation of the Healthy Start Voucher Scheme in UK: a natural experiment using the Growing Up in Scotland record linkage study and the Infant Feeding Survey: Ruth Dundas, University of Glasgow
How different pollution substances affect children’s scores in cognitive tests. Claudio Colandrea, University of Edinburgh.
Other uses of and references to GUS data and findings
Lankelly Chase and The Robertson Trust: Hard Edges Scotland
Scottish Parliament Education and Skills Committee: Scottish National Standardised Assessments Inquiry
Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health: State of Child Health: Scotland – Two years on
Alan Sinclair: Right from the Start
Law Society of Scotland: Voice of the child
Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health: Changes to the nation’s lifestyle needed to improve child health
Active Healthy Kids Scotland Report Card 2018: Dr Adrienne Hughes, University of Strathclyde.
Pregnancy and Maternity Discrimination Working Group: Growing up in Scotland: Maternal Employment Research
NHS Health Scotland: Rapid evidence review: Childcare quality & children’s outcomes
Scottish Government: Expansion of early learning and childcare in Scotland: Quality Action Plan
Connect: Dispelling the Myth of Parental ‘Poverty of Aspiration’
Scottish Book Trust: Evaluating the impact of Bookbug Bags and Sessions in Scotland
Department for Work and Pensions: Improving Lives: Helping workless families An evidence resource on family disadvantage and its impact on children (pdf)
The Communication Trust: Talking About a Generation March 2017 (pdf)
East Dunbartonshire Council: Little Explorers Nurture Day (LEND) (pdf)
NSPCC: Equally Protected? A review of the evidence on the physical punishment of children
Scottish Government: Consultation on Pregnancy and Parenthood in Young People Strategy 2015
Scottish Government: An Independent Review of the Scottish Early Learning and Childcare (ELC) Workforce and Out of School Care (OSC) Workforce
Save the Children Scotland: ‘Read on Get on’ – a mission to ensure all children in Scotland are reading well by age 11
Joseph Rowntree Foundation: Closing the attainment gap in Scottish education (2014)
A Model Mother? Family policy and childrearing in post-devolution Scotland
Habitus, childrearing approach and early child development in Scotland
NHS Health Scotland: Evidence for Action – Briefing on child poverty 2013
Save the Children: ‘Thrive at Five’ report – Comparative child development st school entry age 2012
You are What You Eat? Meal Type, Socio-economic Status and Cognitive Ability in Childhood
What predicts persistent early conduct problems? Evidence from the Growing Up in Scotland cohort
What predicts persistent early conduct problems? Evidence from the Growing Up in Scotland cohort
Habits of a lifetime? Babies’ diets and family life in Scotland
Interventions for Promoting Early Child Development for Health – an environmental scan with special reference to Scotland (pdf) (Scottish Collaboration for Public Health Research and Policy)
Turning evidence into action: Strategic Planning for children in NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (pdf)
Understanding the use of alcohol in pregnancy amongst women in Scotland