GUS in the media

GUS in the media

Please note that this page aims to show how Growing Up In Scotland has been reported in the media. We do not endorse the articles or necessarily agree with the way that findings have been interpreted.

The Herald (online), November 2024: Education lobbyists call for an escape from 'black hole'

TFN, May 2024: For the sake of the children

Holyrood, May 2024: Children’s health must be ‘urgently prioritised’

Head Teacher Update, April 2024: Challenging the myths of poverty in school education

Daily Mail Online, February 2024: Half of Scottish children now obese or overweight by age 14 

July 2023: Poverty intensifies mental health problems for parents and children

SPICe Spotlight (online) June 2023: FAQs: Vaping in children and young people

The Herald (online) June 2023: Agenda: We must help all babies reach their full potential

Tes Magazine, June 2023: Will we ever know the impact of nursery hours increase on children?

Glasgow Evening Times (print, online), 27 December 2022: 'MSP takes on vaping industry in bid to ban 'sweet toothed' flavours'

The Herald (online), 27 December 2022: MSP takes on vaping industry in bid to ban 'sweet toothed' flavours

The Herald (online), 8 October 2022: 'SNP axe fringe meeting on 'embracing' vaping as MSPs pull out amid health concerns'

East Lothian Courier, 29 July 2022: 'Scotland leads all of Europe in tertiary education'

The Press and Journal, 28 May 2022: 'Screen addict children more likely to act up'

Daily Mail (Scotland), 23 May 2022: 'Hours of TV 'causes behavioural problems''

The Sunday Times, 22 May 2022: ' Telly addict children more likely to act up'

Scottish Daily Express, 22 May 2022: 'Children who spend more than two hours a day watching TV more likely to misbehave, according to Scottish scientist'

TES Scotland, 21 February 2022: '4 big issues facing early years in Scotland'

TES Scotland,16 February 2022: 'One in five 14-year-olds has skipped school'

Holyrood Magazine, 21 June 2021: 'Father's Day: Kirsty, the Holyrood baby, needs her dad' 

The Times Education Supplement Scotland, 2 April 2021: 'A magic wand for whizzy catch-up? Try investing in CPD instead' 

University of Strathclyde, 3 December 2020: New study reveals more than half of Scottish children experience bereavement by eight

The Herald, 3 December 2020: 'More than half of Scottish children experience bereavement by age of eight, study shows' 

Holyrood Magazine, 24 November 2020: 'A lesson in death: why bereavement should be on the school curriculum'

The Times Educational Supplement, 16 October 2020: 'The 15-year study giving a generation of pupils a voice'

Time Educational Supplement, 17 July 2020: 'When will the government swing back to its nursery policy?'

Times Educational Supplement, 12 July 2019: ‘Is spending time on social media good or bad for pupils?

Scottish Financial News, 9 July 2019: ‘And finally? poorer children six times more exposed to tobacco sales

Glasgow Evening Times, 9 July 2019: ‘Children in poorer areas more exposed to tobacco on sale

BBC, 8 July 2019: ‘Children tracked with GPS in Scottish tobacco sale study

The Hippocratic Post, 8 July 2019: ‘Children from Deprived Areas Six Times More Exposed to Tobacco Retail

University of Glasgow, 8 July 2019: ‘Children from deprived areas six times more exposed to tobacco retail

The Scotsman, 8 July 2019: ‘GPS trackers used to fight children”s exposure to tobacco outlets

Metro, 5 July 2019: ‘One in seven girls, 12, spend five hours on social media

The National, 5 July 2019: ‘Young Scots girls `spending five hours a day on social media’

The Scotsman, 4 July 2019: ‘Scots kids who spend the most time online are most unhappy

Times Educational Supplement, 2 July 2019: ‘Schools to play key role in reducing teen pregnancies

Times Educational Supplement, 23 Febuary 2018: ‘We may be left counting the cost of more free childcare hours

iNews, 18 January 2018: ‘Brushing teeth won’t stop decay for children who snack all day

BBC News, 16 January 2018: ‘Brushing only partly protects children’s teeth

The Herald, 16 January 2018: ‘Snacks fuel tooth decay – even if you brush, says study

The National, 2 November 2017: ‘More women returning to work after a baby but childcare issues remain a barrier

The Scotsman,  1 November 2017: ‘Mothers with young children still face barriers in finding work

BBC News, 1 November 2017:  ‘More mothers with young children have paid jobs’

The Scotsman, 2 August 2017: ‘Call for action to increase Scottish children’s activity levels’

The Herald, 2 August 2017: ‘11% of children meeting daily exercise guidelines’

The Sunday Times, 20 November 2016: ‘Smoking in pregnancy linked to childhood obesity’ (£)

Aberdeen Evening Express, 15 November 2016: Toddlers to trial scheme to see if preschool play can close language gap

The Scotsman, 21 July 2016: ‘The not-so-secret lives of seven-year-olds’

The Scotsman, 09 June 2016: ‘Can book-gifting increase language skills of Scottish children?’

Holyrood Magazine, 19 April 2016: ‘Scotland is tying one hand behind its – and children’s – backs by waiting too late to address gaps’

The Scotsman, 11 December 2015: ‘Actively using outdoor space is child’s play’

The Sunday Times, 01 November 2015: ‘Concern over TV addict toddlers

The Scotsman, 07 October 2015: ‘Background crucial in child development’

BBC News, 07 October 2015: ‘Vocabulary improving for children but inequality remains’

BBC News, 16 June 2015: ‘Boys need more learning support’

The Herald, 17 April 2015: ‘Strong social ties spare children heartache if parents split’

The Scotsman, 25 April 2014: ‘Success for campaign to get mothers to breastfeed’

The Scotsman, 14 February 2014: ‘Children’s diet affected by fears over income’

The Herald, 13 February 2014: ‘Child diet not hit by income cut’

The Herald, 11 November 2013: ‘Study finds smacking damages children in the long term’

The Observer, 5 May 2013: ‘Eating with parents boosts toddlers’ health’

The Times, 25 April 2013: ‘One pot fits all’ gives children healthier diets than children’s meals

The Herald, 05 March 2013: ‘More families unable to afford basic essentials’

The Herald, 26 March 2013: ‘Middle class mothers more stressed by parenting duties’

The Herald, 20 February 2013: ‘Help from grandparents vital’

The Scotsman, 20 February 2013: ‘More Scots families face struggle on low income’

Times Educational Supplement Scotland, 14 December 2012: ‘Why GUS is important for teachers’

The Scotsman, 11 May 2012: ‘1 in 10 children  obese by the time they start school’

The Scottish Express, 11 May 2012: ‘Good family life can help children in obesity crisis’

Times Educational Supplement Scotland, 27 April 2012: ‘Invest in early education, reap benefits later’

The Herald, 28 September 2011: ‘Deprived pupils 18 months behind in literacy levels